Can You Hear Me, Daddy?

Winner of the Royal Dragonfly Book Award 2020

Winner of the Royal Dragonfly Book Award 2020 - 1st Place in the Religion & Spirituality Category, and 2nd Place in the Picture Book 6 & Older Category.
Renee keeps a diary after she finds out her daddy is sick with cancer. She even starts praying and asking God to make him better. But, what if he doesn't get any better? She is worried that she won't be able to talk to her daddy after he has gone, but her daddy encourages her to keep talking to him, no matter what.
Even as he becomes sicker and weaker, she learns about the meaning of faith and sees how we can still have peace, hope and joy during such a difficult time.
It's not easy to talk to your kids about the difficult and uncomfortable topics of death, loss and grief. Hopefully, with this book, readers can be uplifted and learn about how faith in Christ can bring us peace and comfort, knowing that death is not the end, but the beginning of an eternity with our Father in Heaven.
This beautifully illustrated book aims to help families, schools and communities start conversations about death and grief by bringing hope and comfort. Death is a topic that is all too often avoided, yet it is inevitable in all our lives. We need to start having open and honest conversations with our children and loved ones to prepare for such times as these, to be able to cope with loss and grief, which can stay with us for a long time. It is important to find a way out of the darkness and sadness we will inevitably feel.
Readers of all ages will be able to relate to this heartwarming, emotional and timeless story. Get a copy today and share this uplifting story of faith, hope and love with all of your loved ones!
Can You Hear Me, Daddy? is available in eBook, Hardcover, Paperback and Audiobook formats.
The Chinese translation「爸爸,你能聽到我嗎?」is available in eBook, Hardcover and Paperback formats.
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A Reflection Guide is available for download. The activities include are closely linked to the book.
Coloring Pages are now available! You can choose either the wide or square layout.
"Can You Hear Me, Daddy? by Y.Y. Chan is a poignant and heartrending story of death, loss, and grief... Many readers will be able to connect with the story and it will leave readers teary-eyed. This book is also a good way to discuss the topics of loss, death, and grief with children and it also shows them how faith in Christ can be comforting... The book can be used in homes and classrooms to have discussions about death and eliminate the fear associated with it, looking at it in an uplifting way."
— Mamta Madhavan, Readers' Favorite
"This picture book was by far one of the best picture books I have read. I think that anyone could read this book, but younger readers would benefit more from the lesson and belief that God can get a person through anything. The pictures in this book went along with the story perfectly and were stunning to look at while reading. I also liked that this was written as Renee’s diary... Overall I would recommend this book to all ages and rate it 5 out of 5 stars."
–LitPick Review
"Beautiful in Every Way! I predict this book will be an instant classic as Chan expertly handles death and grief in a gentle, uplifting way that a small child can understand. The spirituality expressed is wonderful and the love and kindness between people is exemplary. This book needs to be in every hospital, church and school. Parents everywhere will be able to talk to their children about death after reading this book. The beautiful illustrations are perfectly positioned to bring joy and grace to every page. I highly recommend it!"
–Elizabeth, Amazon Reviewer
"Y.Y. Chan accomplishes the rare feat of treating the subject of grief, the story's characters, and readers of all ages with great dignity... For an Asian-American like myself, talking about such profound emotions does not come naturally, so I was truly impressed with how this brave little book encourages us to share these universally human experiences with each other, and with children. Prepare to be deeply moved by this book's painful honesty about loss, and its triumphant message of hope: that love conquers all!"
–Hannah, Goodreads Reviewer
Readers' Favorite Press Release
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Author's new book receives a warm literary welcome.
Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Children - Picture Book book "Can You Hear Me, Daddy?" by Y. Y. Chan, currently available at
Readers' Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.
Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite
Can You Hear Me, Daddy? by Y.Y. Chan is a poignant and heartrending story of death, loss, and grief. Renee's Daddy told them one morning that the doctors found cancer in his body. He told them that cancer would spread and he would become weak. Renee did not know what to do and she asked God for help. For her Dad's surgery, her Mommy let her take a day off school so that they could go to the hospital together. She also wanted to be there when her Dad woke up. It was a long surgery and finally when Daddy opened his eyes, Renee had tears of joy in her eyes. But her Daddy was slowly getting worse and Renee tried to cheer him up every day after school. After he passed away, Renee wondered if he could hear her when she talked to him and if the blue butterfly that fluttered around the flowers and sat on her shoulder meant anything
Written in a diary format, Can You Hear Me, Daddy? by Y.Y. Chan is also a beautiful story of hope and faith. Pearly L's illustrations are soothing and breathe life into the plot and the characters. Many readers will be able to connect with the story and it will leave readers teary-eyed. This book is also a good way to discuss the topics of loss, death, and grief with children and it also shows them how faith in Christ can be comforting as it tells them that they are reuniting with their Father in Heaven and death is not an end. The book can be used in homes and classrooms to have discussions about death and eliminate the fear associated with it, looking at it in an uplifting way.
You can learn more about Y. Y. Chan and "Can You Hear Me, Daddy?" at where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages.
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